It derives from the Christ’s promise:
“Strive first for the Kingdom of God and His righteuousness, and all these things will be given to you as well” (Mt 6.33)
Coat of Arms
The Coat of Arms of Bishop Jose Kalluvelil is a blend of 8 images:
The Twelve Stars represent Mother Mary (Revelation 12:1) and her strong mediation
- The Twelve Stars represent Mother Mary (Revelation 12:1) and her strong mediation.
- The Worshipping Community with raised hands represents the Syro-Malabar Catholics in Canada and indicats the Bishop’s zeal for a collaborative ministry involving clergy, religious and all the people of God.
- The Maple Leaf signifies Canada, the nation where the faith community is called to.
- The Pierced Heart of Jesus is the symbol of God’s love which forms the faith community
- The Hand Touching the Heart of Jesus represents the St. Thomas the Apostle from whom the Syro-Malabar Church traces its origin.
- The Crosier stands for the Apostolic Leadership and pastoral care.
- The Holy Bible is the symbol of of faith transmission and testimony.
- The Dove at the top represents the the indwelling and empowering of the Holy Spirit to continue the Ministry of Jesus, the Good Shepherd.
Bishop is called to form the people of God after the Sacred Heart of Jesus and lead them to Heavenly Bliss. To fufill these duties ‘For the Glory of God’ in the existing Canadaian scenario he should be guided by the Word of God, anointed by the Holy Spirit and protected by Mother Mary.
The establishment of the Apostolic Exarchate heralds a new gegining for the Syro-Malabar Catholics in Canada. Our faith-journey begins with a vision based on John 10:10, “I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly”. The vision of Christ had been fully realized and contniued in the early Church. We wish to realise the same in the Canadain context. Our vision is accomplished thorugh three phases: Form, Fortify and Evangelize.
1. Form:
The first phase focuses on the formation of a Christ-centered parish community by organizing the scattered Syro-Malabar Catholics through participatory pastoral plan.
2. Fortify:
The formed community is fortified to through selfless co-operation of individulas, families, parishes and the entire organs of the exarchate to ttain ecclesial maturity
3. Evangelize:
The Formed and Fortified faith community is called to evangelize by attarction.
Our hope is that the people of God may experience, live and share their faith. We invite the faithful for their individual and unique contribution towards this mission. A nurturing touch from everyone will make difference and bear fruit as we Form, Fortify and Evagelize.